2017-09-17 Dagstur til Kronborg slot / Day paddle Kronborg castle
- Dagstur fra Hornbæk til Kronborg slot, Nordsjælland, Danmark.
- Day paddle from Hornbæk to Kronborg Castle, North Zealand, Denmark.
- Vi var 4 som var mødt op i Hornbæk, for at nyde det gode søndags vejr, med en tur til Kronborg slot for at spise frokost.
- 4 sea kayakers who meeting in Hornbæk, to enjoy the nice Sunday-weather, with a day paddle to Kronborg Castle for lunch.
- Stranden og skoven lige øst for Hornbæk havn.
- The beach and the forest just east of the harbor.
- Kronborg slot, dagens mål og vores frokoststed, kommer til syne da vi runder en lille pynt.
- Kronborg Castle, the destination of the day and our lunch spot, appeared as we rounded a small headland.
- Kronborg slot.
- Kronborg castle.
- Vi går i land på sydsiden af slottet, hvor der er en lille fin strand.
- We land on the southern side of the castle, where there is a small beach.
- Et super sted at spise frokost.
- A nice place to have breakfast.
- Kig mod Sverige og ind i Øresund.
- Look towards Sweden and into Øresund.
- På vandet igen.
- Back on the water.
- Lidt strømmende vand gav og et skub den rigtige vej.
- A bit of moving water sea and a push the right way.
- Sundet mellem Sverige og Danmark er meget trafikeret, nogle skibe er dog mere anderledes end andre.
- The sound between Sweden and Denmark is very busy, but some ships are more different from the normal ones.
- Kirken i hvad der oprindeligt var lille fiskerby på Sjællands Nordkyst.
- The church, in what originally was a small fishing village on Zealand's north coast.
- Flot vejr, flotte skyer og fladt vand.
- Beautiful weather, beautiful clouds and flat water.
- Tilbage hvorfra vi startede, efter en dejlig dag på vandet i godt vejr.
- Back from where we started, after a nice day on the water, in good weather.
Christian Wiegand
Facebook: Tosset med havkajak / Mad about Sea Kayak
Instagram: cwseakayaking
Twitter: @cw_sea
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